I basically took the entire contents of my house, I may as well of took the kitchen sink I took that much!
So, here is a list of things I took that were not needed:
- Hundreds of different types of kitchen knives..I only used one sometimes two at most!
- A shower rack, there's nowhere to fit one of those in student accommodation!
- A bedside lamp...I didn't even have a beside table so don't take one of those unless you have one.
- A clothing rail..it did not fit in my room.
- Too many clothes..There was absolutely no room in my wardrobe and my clothing storage became a huge mess!
- Kitchen utensils I didn't even know how to use.
- Too much food, you need to know how much storage you've got before you go ahead and buy all this freezer stuff that then can't be stored.
- Random stationary bits that you're never going to use..E.g glue, or sellotape(I never used these).
- Too many cushions, I took far too many and they didn't all fit on my bed which was annoying!
- Cash, you'll just spend it all during freshers and be skint for the rest of the year haha!
Now I'm going to give you a more realistic list containing things that I could not have lived without during my time at university:
- A washing basket...invest if you don't have one!
- Coat hangers.... do not bring all of your clothes and forget hangers that would be so annoying especially because no one at university has the time to iron!
- An iron is sometimes needed though so don't forget that one.
- Cleaning products, kitchen, bathroom, clothes all of it! Trust me you'll need it.
- Photos the put up in your room or memorabilia to make it feel more like your own.
- Extra storage if it will fit, uni rooms are generally tiny!
- Suitable clothes, don't take summer clothes because you're usually at home for the whole of summer and it's not usually warm in winter let's face it.
You would think all of these things in both of my lists are common sense, but I just decided I needed everything and made moving in and out ten times harder and more stressful for myself, so if I were doing it all over again I would definitely give a lo more thought to what I would be taking with my to university and now ending up like this picture.....
That is what you call serious hoarding!!! Don't end up like this haha! |
Okay, perhaps that's a bit extreme but you get the drift!