Saturday, 22 February 2014

Vibe Monday's!

So, I went out this Monday with a group of friends and as usual it ended up with me buying a waste of money but it always seems to happen!
As for student night's out here in Bedford, they are quite good! I've tried a Saturday night here before and it was nowhere near as busy as when all of us student's out on either a Monday or a Wednesday!

The morning after wasn't exactly the best...I have to admit I gave myself quite a headache this week haha! It's all good fun though..
I managed to drag myself out of bed for my lectures and seminars on Tuesday which is always ten times more difficult after I have been out the night before considering I have an extremely busy day on a Tuesday.

Moving on.. I think I have mastered how to make a curry now, I never used to make them before I came to university and now I am such a pro! I am getting quite sick of having them EVERY night though so now I'm living off of easter eggs...

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I found out today that I have four weeks left until Easter which has made me really excited because that means I have five term weeks until I move home forever!
I can't remember if I've mentioned before that I am commuting to university next year instead of living here as it's not far from home and I will save a lot of money that way.
I also miss home a lot....that is my main reason! I'm glad I have had the 'uni experience' by living here for one year but I am so glad I have the option to move home now!


Saturday, 15 February 2014

Decisions, Decisions...It's too difficult!

I had a think about what I should write a blog post about this week and I decided a post about how I made my early decisions about university and what spurred me on to make the choices I did. I hope this post interests you all and gives you an idea of the reasons I chose the University of Bedfordshire.

One of the hardest decisions before I even knew if I had got into uni was what universities to put down as my firm and insurance choices.I picked both the University of Bedfordshire and another university just as close to where I live as Bedford is(about 40 minutes). I made this decision because at the time I did not feel ready to leave home, I am still unsure on whether this was the right choice for me but it's the one I chose so I've got to live with it. I'm still unsure because I don't know whether living here and paying as much money as I am to live here is actually more beneficial for me than if I were living at be honest I would probably be much better off if I was still living at home. However, I'm not and I am very glad I decided to take the plunge and move away from home because now I've learnt that it's not for me for the full three years and it has helped me realise that I would actually thoroughly prefer to live at home for the remainder of my studies. I am not slating moving away from home at all, I just think that I've 'got the t-shirt' and in my opinion it's not worth missing home as much as I do. I am so glad I've had the experience though and I wouldn't change my decision of moving here, I would just change the people I was put with in the first place.

If I were choosing a university again I wouldn't change the University of Bedfordshire as a uni as it is fantastic and I love studying here. I might perhaps consider changing the location to somewhere a bit more lively, so a city uni, however this would be such a tossing and turning decision because I don't know if I would be ready to move to a big city on my own. I think my home sickness would kick in and I could feel worse than I did just 40 minutes down the road..
Thinking about it, I have definitely made the right decision for me in allowing myself to live the university lifestyle for a year, finding out it's not entirely for me and having the option to move back home and still carry on my studies. I think if you're like me and are not sure about staying close to home or moving away you should consider universities that will allow you the opportunity to start off living there for your first year and then if it's right for you carry on living wherever that may be or if not, move home and commute to university whenever you have lectures or seminars.At the end of the day most universities cut contact time even further as you progress through your course so you may not even have to travel to uni everyday which would be a bonus for anyone who decides to live at home.

Think carefully and for yourself. Don't pick a university just because someone else is, do what's right for you.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

February already?!

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it is February already, I need to get my head down and do these last assignments and preferably NOT leave them to the last minute this time! I think I am on track now and if I put my mind to it I should definitely be able to knuckle down and do these assignments in good time.
I only have two (yes.TWO!) assignments left which are due in just before we leave for Easter.
I am more focused on my exams which are in May of this year...I am getting quite stressed!
Exams aren't my favourite thing to do I have to say, I am not good under exam conditions :(

I was thinking in this post I could tell you all how I have dealt with exams in the past and what I'm going to try to do for my exams later on in the year:

  1. Do things that chill me out when coming up to exam period, like listen to music or whatever floats your boat.
  2. Don't over complicate things, I try not to listen to what my friends have revised on the day of the exam because if I haven't revised the same things I would seriously panic and therefore do worse in my exam because I'm so stressed.
  3. Set myself a revision timetable, so 'on Monday 1 hour on Physics' or something similar, this gives me a plan and I can see what I'm supposed to do on each day, it also helps me to give each topic the same amount of revision time because otherwise I would get all confused and forget what I have revised enough of and what I actually need to revise.
  4. Early nights! These are key when taking exams, there is absolutely no use in staying up all night revising because you'll be extra tired in the exam and if worst comes to worst fall asleep and sleep through the exam!
  5. Eat breakfast. There is absolutely nothing worse than having to sit a 2/3 hour exam and your stomach rumbles half way through and then all you can think about it food. It takes your mind away from the exam and then you're left off topic and hungry!

I have been going home a lot recently for birthdays etc, and this is making me so excited for April when I get to go home for three weeks!!


Saturday, 1 February 2014

Assignments, assignments...oh and a presentation!

Hi Everyone, I hope you have all had a fantastic week!

I suppose I should start off by explaining the title of this blog...if you haven't already guessed I have been extremely busy these past couple of weeks and I am proud to say that I have FINISHED my two assignments that I have been working on.

The first one is a group presentation that we were assigned and this has been quite interesting to work on because I have been working with other people rather than sitting alone writing an essay which has been great! It is all set to be presented in our seminar time slot this Thursday so the nerves are definitely building up now. Fingers crossed everything goes to plan! My group and I are meeting tomorrow to make any last minute adjustments and make sure that everything works properly and our presentation isn't going to fail on the day. That would just be a disaster!
Feeling good! 

Secondly, I have been writing an essay discussing gender in education an how educational inequality persists. This has been quite interesting too actually because I have found a lot of knowledge from the reading around this topic and I have enjoyed writing the essay itself which is always a bonus!

Excited for the weekend!

I am very excited this week as I am going away for the weekend, which will be so nice as I have the weight of assignments off of my shoulders.

Another exciting thing that I have to tell you is that I filmed a short video last week for you all to watch, of me answering questions about my life at university and why I chose to do it. So I look forward to seeing that and I hope you all do too!

Have a great week!
