Saturday 19 April 2014

Things I didn't know about University but wish I did!

Easter's going too quickly and my exams are creeping up around the corner so I thought that instead of posting another 'exam related' blog I would treat you all to a list of things I didn't know about university that I really wish I had before I went!

So here goes;

    1. Things Cost Money. Looking back I was quite naive when moving from home where most things were at easy reach and money wasn't a huge issue because I had a job and supportive parents, to moving out on my own. I soon realised that everything costs money and it's hard to get by if you don't have any. It wasn't the daunting amount of money I am forking out via my student loan that is the problem, it's day-to-day costs that I never thought about when living at home. Most students prepare themselves for the costs of going out drinking and books, however I forgot about the simplest of things like snacks(no-one can sit through a 2 hour lecture with their stomach rumbling), fancy dress outfits (no-one wants to be the odd one out), fines for not handing your books in on time (I've had one and don't intend to have anymore after hearing about the fine)!!
      So, keep a good eye on your bank account before it's too late and you've spent all of your loan and have to open an overdraft...which luckily I haven't had to do! 
    2. Self-Motivation is an absolutely KEY skill to obtain. So, most people are told that 'don't worry you're first year is easy you won't have to do much work' however, this is not the case. Prepare yourselves for a huge step up in terms of workload. It takes a while to get used to but you will soon learn that you have to get up, go to the library, and finish that essay, otherwise you have to rely on exams or other assignments and you're more likely to fail! Some decide to write their essays the night before and stay up all night writing it but if you want a good class degree this is not an acceptable standard of essay and you will not achieve a very good grade. 
    3. Not everything is as it seems in the prospectus. Make sure you visit the universities you are applying for, there would be absolutely nothing worse than picking any old uni(they all look nice in pictures) and turning up to it looking more like a prison that a university. I did actually look at the University of Bedfordshire beforehand however a friend of mine is stuck in an awful halls of residence and the uni's not much better. So, try before you buy!
    4. Yes, it looks amazing and yes, it tastes amazing but it's too expensive for dinner every night!
    5. Lastly, takeaways. It is so easy for students to become lazy when they move to university because food isn't free or magically put in your fridge. It costs money, a lot of money so before you decide it's too hard and expensive to cook recalculate and you'll soon realise that takeaways every night is going to cost a significant amount more than buying a weekly shop. Don't be lazy, get some cooking skills in you now before you get to uni and it's too late!  

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