Saturday 3 May 2014

Third term has begun!

I'm sure you can tell by the title of this post, yes it's official the last few weeks of my first year of university began on Monday and I am definitely the most worried about this term...might have something to do with my two exams at the end of this month? Yes, it certainly does... I'd love to go into more detail but I'm afraid that will have to come after I have actually sat the exams. A word of advice though.. START REVISING EARLY!
I know that everyone used to say this to me at school and I was never overly bothered and dare I say it..didn't care that I wasn't revising as much as was expected, but I have definitely learnt my lesson with these two exams and am revising because you have to pass these exams to carry on into your second year and it would be such a waste to ruin it all with failing your exams at the end of the year.. so yeah REVISE!

So it has been revision revision oh and more revision...urgh. Well I say 'urgh' but it's actually going really well and I feel extremely organised, which is a first for me because I was never the 'organised one' when I was in school and sixth form. Oh well, I think I've changed for the better in that respect.
After my two revision lectures on Monday I am most worried about the Social Constructions of Childhood exam..purely because I have been given a number of questions that will definitely come up in my Understanding education I'm most prepared for that one for sure.
I'm not saying these exams are easy, but I certainly feel more confident about these than I did about any of my A-Level exams...which is not what I was expecting at all.

Here's a picture of my exciting!
As far as contact time with university is going, I have actually finished all of my lectures for the I'm actually back at home now for the summer basically. So I am having to motivate myself from home which in some ways I find easier and in others..more difficult. I would say I had more distractions at uni because I lived with flatmates and went out during the week..whereas at home I've not got many distractions
during the day as everyone is either at work or school..and then I have my little part-time job which sometimes gets in the way but I suppose that's the price you have to pay if you want to run a car and live a comfortable lifestyle.

Sorry to bore you with revision talk all the time but I'm afraid that is what my life consists of at the minute...I can't wait to tell you all about how the exams went and my grade(preferably if it's a good one)!

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