Friday, 12 June 2015

My most memorable moment of second year..

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.

This post is going to be all about my single most memorable moment of second year. Now this is extremely hard to pin point as there's been so many memorable moments, however the one that stands out the most to me for some reason is when I achieved my first A+ in one of my assignments. I can't remember if I've told you about this already or not but it is by far the best moment I can remember. I never was and probably never will be a straight A student, I always tried really hard to achieve pretty average grades of B's and C's, and I knew if I didn't try at all those grades would be E's and F's. So for me to achieve my best grade yet in possibly one of the most unlikely assignments was an unreal feeling.
The assignment was some phase tests which were carried out on Microsoft Excel, it involved inputting data correctly. I was never good at Maths at school, in fact it was my worst subject throughout Primary and Secondary school, I despised it and I know this was because I was no good at it, or thought I wasn't. This was very much an academic assignment and not only that, the tests were carried out the day after I had some devastating news in the family, it's safe to say I thought I would fail horrendously. My mind was elsewhere, for obvious reasons, I didn't think I would understand the questions, it was an all round bad experience... until I got that grade back at least!

I've certainly enjoyed the assignments more this year. They've been much more challenging but it's been great to see hard work paying off in terms of grades. My grades have been much better this year and I'm not surprised really, my circumstances are much nicer with living at home and I'm just in an all round better situation with university. I think things would be a lot different if I were still living in that first flat and not looking forward to finishing my lectures and going home.

In terms of challenges, I think the most challenging thing this year has been when I had to be given extensions in January. I have already spoke about the reasons behind this so for this post I'll just explain why it was challenging. The main reason being because I vowed not to fall behind this year, although I didn't last year I did seem to leave everything till the last minute which made me so much more stressed in general and I just wanted to keep on top of everything this year. However, it was out of my control. I couldn't have stopped either of the two things that cause the extensions happening and I just had to deal with the fact that I needed them in order to pass the assignments. Obviously, not everything goes to plan but I still managed to stay calm throughout this period of university and because of the extensions on my assignments I wasn't stressed either.
I think the hardest part was accepting that I needed extra help to get me through this tough time in my life and that had to be the way. No one can plan for everything and I made it through the year so YAY!

I think it is so important to reflect on your time in education and also listen to other people's stories as you never know you could well relate to others that you never would of known otherwise. Its a great way to express how you felt throughout a particular time in your education and also makes you feel great about completing certain aspects for example, A-Levels. I hope you all enjoyed this post.

Until next time,


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